
Launch your creative motion picture start
up at Your Own Pace

The Art Of Broadcasting Story is a do-it-at-your-own-pace program that gives you access to the full content of our Blended 12 weeks program

What Is Our Program All About...

The program will help the participants gain self-confidence with newly acquired skills in the design process, time management, and communication. They will also learn strategies to lead, create teams and make a pitch to financiers.

Access knowledge-based content (Microlearning Video) that focuses on a specific challenge or problem that needs resolution called a unit during the week. They do their assignments with their AR and Holograms self-study guide and workbook.

Access knowledge-based content (Microlearning Video) that focuses on a specific challenge or problem that needs resolution called a unit during the week. They do their assignments with their AR and Holograms self-study guide and workbook.

This Program Is a Good Fit For

Emerging creators to entrepreneurs from the media and entertainment industry; we strongly encourage under-represented communities to apply who are not:

Reasons to Choose The Program

The program includes:
By the end of your journey you will have:

After the program you will have access to everything you need to start your start up , self fund your story, get access to real investors, grants, loans and distributors. If that is not enough, here are some more notable reasons you should consider this program. This program will:

Help you create at least 5 different sources of income into different platforms and mediums using just one of your stories.

Have your own story portfolio (treatment bible) with complete rights which you will be able to pitch to any major media market.

Help you follow the right process and practices to pitch and ask for investment in your story.

Helps to bridge the gap between creative stories and a successful profitable business model of selling your stories to large audiences.

Help you overcome the cultural and professional barriers that exist between the storytellers and media houses.

Not only help you find the right platforms but also help you get in front of the right people to coach you to sell stories with the right mindset and tools.

Help you find the right people and build the right team to help you create your stories fast, leveraging industry experts to help you in the process.

Get an opportunity to learn, work and share ideas with brilliant minds in the motion picture industry.

What You Get In the Program

Resources Worth :


Transformative Learning….

The content is intentionally packaged into bite-sized bursts of video, ideally 1 to 3 minutes max in length. Rapid and repetitive learning 12 modules - Each module includes 3 to 4 microlearning units

Learning the inspiring pathways of Experts…

Start learning with industry experts like Producers, Accountants, Lawyers, Directors, cinematographers, agents, distributors, Broadcasters, Writers, and much more.

Leadership rises within teams….

Discover and share information challenges, and progress through different social media (Facebook, Instagram,  TikTok, and youtube) and expand their network with their peers in the industry.

Augmented Reality and Holograms self-study workbook…

With easy-to-follow interactive AR elements for our users, our self-study workbook summarizes key training modules using 3D models, with a combination of text, audio, and video.  


Exclusive Offer!!


Regular Price


Early registration gets it for $897 Check our affordable option

How to Buy Our Program

What the Customers Say About The Art of Broadcasting Stories

Mufaro Mbudzi

Comedian, Actor Producer

The Art of Broadcasting was an amazing course that really helped to shed a light on the future for me during the pandemic. It was humbling to be part of a group of young creators that all had such different projects but were clearly benefiting from the mentorship of an industry professional. We formed a small family!

Gregorio Smanzy

Producer/ Actor

I learned so much about the film industry & really gained so much more “insider” information about the Industry. I recommend this training to anyone and everyone interested in the film industry whether you are an Actor, Producer, Director, Executive Producer, Crew, and more. You will gain new skills and insight!

Cindy Charles

Actor of Lead Series Ainsi Va Manu

I was able to see the profession of producer as a complex art that integrates the notions of business, marketing, self-knowledge, the power of the message that we want to bequeath to future generations, group strategy, and the importance of working together.

Michelle Hickey

Media Manager

This program provides you with an insider perspective of the entertainment industry. I'd describe it as, 'hands-on knowledge'. The program is curated for emerging artists, creators, writers, producers, and directors.

Sharma MacDonald

Writer / Actor / Director

It was transformative attending the Art of Broadcasting Stories (AOB) training sessions!  During the training, I learned how to develop my own project and create a business plan! I learned how to write a proper synopsis, do market research, budgeting, timeline, and build a great team, as Sabrina provided us with the necessary tools and resources to succeed and keep things organized.

Jade Stone

Screenwriter, Producer, Director

During this training course, I learned how to be a better producer. At first, I was learning by doing, which meant I was making some mistakes because I had never done half of these things before. I learned about developing budgets, financing a TV show, pitching and discoverability reports.

Mel Pickering


What I've learned during this training is how to put together a project intended for different broadcasting formats, following a clear and detailed structure, allowing me to frame ideas concretely. Then, I got to practice on the court how to pitch a project to members of the film and television industry.  

Let Your Creative Juices Flow with Us


Please check out the Program curriculum @Sabrina : PDF or the Program outline